Monday, March 16, 2009

Red Water

I finished reading the novel Red Water a week or so ago. I finally decided to mention it and post my new book...The Reader, by Bernhard Schlink. It was up for Best Picture and it's rated as the #1 National Bestseller, so how can I go wrong, right?! I love buying books at Costco. The prices are good and they have all the best sellers already laid out for you, saves me a lot of time browsing. I enjoyed Red Water. It was based on the Mountain Meadow Massacre, a very tragic event in the mid 1850's. This was a true incident, and all the people mentioned did exist, however, it was classified as a Fiction. I liked it because it was told through the eyes of very different women who happened to be three of the nineteen wives of John D. Lee. This was during the time that polygamy was practiced in Utah. John D. Lee was ultimately convicted and executed for the crime. Not polygamy, but the massacre of the pioneers.

Anyway, I always enjoy reading about pioneer women and the things that they had to endure. I always wonder how I would do if I lived during that time...I imagine I would do pretty least that's what I tell myself.

1 comment:

  1. I recently read "The Reader" - it was okay, but nothing close to all the hype I've heard. I might have to reserve Red Water at the library though...
