Friday, March 13, 2009

A Very Full House!

If our house seemed full before, now we are definitely busting at the seams! Two kids, a Jeffy boy, and now two dogs...we are testing the limits of this house for sure!

This morning I drove Jeffy to the hoo. He's spending a week in Long Beach for his Spring Break. I gotta say, I miss the guy already! So on the way back home I picked up our new addition...our new little Brittany pup. We decided to name her Belle Starr. No it's not a stripper name! I'm continuing the Wild West theme. Belle Starr was a famous outlaw during the American West, she's also know as the "Bandit Queen". So anyway, Belle for short. I guess I'll just have to put up with people thinking she's named after the Disney's "Beauty and Beast" character. Oh well.

I don't think words can even explain how excited the girls were when I got home!! They just couldn't get enough of her. They constantly chased her through the house, and Morgan would say as she's trying to catch her, "Belle, I love you so much!".

This is the exact same stuffed dog that we got for Etta, only new. Etta eventually tore hers to shreds and had to throw it out. We rubbed the dog all over Belle's mom so it has the same scent...maybe she'll sleep better at night...I hope, I hope!

Etta and Belle seem to get along. However, Etta can be a bit rough at times. We'll have to keep a close eye on them until Belle is a little bigger.
They are a lot of fun! Good times are in store, I'm sure of it!

1 comment:

  1. She's so cute, Kelly! Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. Maybe I should start posting pictures of Jessie, so that she doesn't feel shafted on this whole family pet thing??
