Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crazy doggy hormones

I had a pretty rough night last night. My dogs are driving me crazy! A few days ago I moved Belle into the dog run at night with Etta. I figured she's old enough (almost 12 weeks) and they've been getting along pretty well, so why not? Well, Etta started her first heat cycle a week or so ago and now things are not working out so well anymore. She is constantly bugging Belle, she chases her around and smacks at her. Then one day last week after watching them for a while I saw Etta start to hump Belle! Say what?! I know...who knew that a female dog would do that to another female!! Basically Etta has become a very horny dog (the vet's words, not mine!). This NEVER happened with Cassiday, although I guess we never had another dog around for her to hump...but her personality never changed when she was in heat. So anyway, Etta has other weird behaviors too, she's a little more anxious or nervous lately and she even peed in the house!! So anyway, last night I could not sleep! I could hear Etta and Belle wrestling and fighting in the dog run outside...I knew Etta was probably trying to hump Belle and Belle isn't going to put up with that! So finally around 1:00 in the morning I brought Belle in the house to sleep in a crate (after she's been violated for a couple of hours outside I'm sure she was relieved). Bottom line...I'm going to spay Etta. The idea was to breed her, but with her knee problem that's not really an option anymore. Now, what's going to happen when Belle goes into heat?! Great...I'm not looking forward to that!

So with the dogs and Morgan constantly waking up (she has a terrible cold now) sleep was minimal.

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