Monday, April 20, 2009

It's about time!

Just when I'm about to pack up and move back to CA the sun comes out and temps move into the 70's...finally! I never thought I'd see you Spring!! I missed you so much!! We were even able to get in a family bike ride up the Canyon yesterday! Unfortunately, Morgan has had a temperature the last couple of days. I guess it's what Haley had last week. Strange...they often get these random fevers every now and then. Kids are so hard to figure out!

The girls enjoying the sunshine. Notice the dress Haley is wearing...she hasn't worn anything but that dress for the last week and half! I've tired to put in the wash, but she has dug it out of the hamper every time. She LOVES that dress! The funny thing is it was nothing special, just an old hand-me-down she got last year.

The girls making cookies on our snow day last week. I let them do EVERYTHING themselves this time in making them. Shhhh, don't tell my brothers! They are very particular about the food they eat, they think that if the girls make it, then it's bound to have either spit or boogers in it (or both). But don't worry, I supervised.

I thought they came out pretty good!

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