Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pictures

The weekend started out bad, bad, bad. Saturday was not a good day for me...and unfortunately my brother witnessed my outburst, which I'm not thrilled about. Those moments of weakness shouldn't be seen by anyone! The girls were pretty much fighting non stop. I kid you not...when I'm playing with them they're fine, but as soon as I leave the room they are screaming at one another. They can't even play for five minutes without it turning into a fight! So bottom line, I finally lost my patience and stormed into their room and took out every single toy they have. EVERYTHING went, except for their books...those they can keep. Of course they went ballistic! I think Haley was most upset about the loss of Una (her most precious toy on Earth). I had them stay on their beds for a while, and I sobbed in my room trying to organize all their toys that I just threw on my floor. Poor Jeff and to see his big sister become unraveled. He came into my room and was like "Uh, do you want to go out for a while, I'll watch the girls...maybe you need a break." How sweet is that! Or maybe he was just terrified and wanted this crazy lady out of the house! In any case, I ended up taking him up on his offer later in the day. But at that point all I needed was a good cry!

To earn back their toys I set the timer for 15 minutes...if they could play (they didn't even have to play together) without yelling and screaming at each other until the timer went off they could have one toy back. They managed to do it once. Haley got Una back and Morgan got her stuffed pony (also named Una) back. They still don't have any toys in their room and to be honest, I don't think they even care anymore! They haven't asked for a single thing! I think this whole thing is harder on me...I can't stand having the kids toys in my room! It's kinda hard to "get in the mood" (if you know what I mean) with Pooh Bear sitting on my nightstand! NOT COOL! My room looks like a Toy R Us store!! Anyway, hopefully they won't be in there much longer.

Now that I've gone a huge tangent about how dreadful my children can enjoy some pictures of their cuter and sweeter moments.

Easter Sunday Haley and Morgan finding their Easter baskets. sweet. I should look at this picture brings me hope!

Off to church! (Late as usual)

Decorating Easter eggs. While they were decorating they dropped a couple and we realized that some weren't quite hard boiled...oops, that's what I get for trying to multitask! Oh well.

Morgan showing off her artwork.

The hunt begins!

We ended the day with a yummy ham dinner (I was very glad to get that 30 pound ham out of my freezer). Now we will be eating ham for...hmmm...about the next 6 months!
I needed Easter Sunday...a day to recover from my horrible, terrible, no good, very bad Saturday.


  1. So glad to hear I'm not the only one who's had a good sob fest in her room over motherhood woes!

  2. The girls look so cute in their dresses. Jeff is a saint... or Matthew is now calling him Saint Jeffery. HeHe. No really that was great of him. He is a good brother.
