Saturday, April 11, 2009

Grandparents Spring Visit

Visits with my folks are never long enough!! This week just flew by! They arrived Monday evening and left this hoo. But as always we had a great time!

Unfortunately Haley came down with a fever the last two other symptoms, just fever. Yeah, I knew something was wrong when she laid down on the floor and tried to go to sleep at the furniture store. It did make for nice shopping though!

We bought a new bunk bed for the girls. My parents drove the pickup truck so we were able to haul out (store it...we WILL use it again) the toddler bed and crib to make room for their big girl bed!! Very exciting for them! But I tell ya, taking apart that crib was really sad for babies are growing up...sniff, sniff. Even taking out the rocker from the room...the rocker that I used when I nursed them...oh, so sad. But like I said...I WILL see that furniture again! So it's only temporary, right?

They LOVE their new bed!! It better last a while, that's all I have to say! That thing was the biggest pain to put together! There was a about billion pieces, and trying to work in a very small space was challenging! But with the help of my parents, we managed to get in done.

Ryan is already scheming up a road trip to the LBC in a couple of weeks. There is a race in Dana Point that he wants to do. So maybe we'll be seeing my folks again soon!

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