Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I guess it was bound to happen sometime.

Haley was out in the backyard playing this afternoon (it's probably in the low 70's!!!). She got into trouble when she started being a little rough with the puppy, so she had to come inside. This is our conversation (she's crying and screaming):

Haley: Pleeeeeease, mommy!!! I want another chance!!!! I want to go outside!!!!

Me: No, you wait a while and then you can try again.

Haley: Noooooo!!!!! I don't want to wait, NOOOOOOO!!!!

Me: You may wait in here, or if you're going to cry about it, go into your room.

Haley (stomping to her room): Fine!! I HATE YOU!!


This was the very first time she has EVER said that to me!! Honestly, my heart broke a little. My sweet little girl. Yes, I know she's four, and she doesn't really mean it, but still...kinda hurts. I didn't make a big deal out of it. She morphed back into her normal sweet self and went back outside a little while later. It probably won't be the last time she says it, but I thought I should document the first.


  1. You must've misunderstood. There is no way my sweet little angel would say such a thing.

  2. I too have heard recently "I don't love you!" Darn kids.
