Monday, April 6, 2009

Ski Day!

For Haley and Ryan that is. Morgan and I took advantage of the nice weather and played close by in the snow and cheered Haley on.

It was a spontaneous decision made during breakfast. The resorts final day was Sunday, plus it was half price (not that it mattered for us...story to follow) so why not?! Jeff and Matt were already planning on going too. So we pulled out ALL the snow stuff...ugh...I thought I'd never see that stuff again, and here I was trying to locate gloves, hats, jackets...blah, blah, blah! Plus, most of it doesn't fit them anymore. Poor Haley has to wear rain boots in the snow, we don't have a proper pair of snow boots! And we lost a glove sledding a while back so Morgan doesn't have any to wear. Anyway, we got all we needed and managed to get out the door.

Haley was thrilled! We had to ride the shuttle to the lifts...the girls LOVED that part!
So when we were in the rental place standing in line waiting for skis and boots this random guy approached us and asked if we bought our lift tickets yet. We told him we hadn't and then he handed us two free vouchers!!! Yeah, just because. So after we thanked him like a hundred times Haley and Ryan hit the slopes!

I was actually surprised how well Haley took to skiing! She is usually very apprehensive to new things (she takes after her daddy in that department). But she was really motivated and excited to be doing it!
Ryan trying to teach her the snow plow.
She even tried the tow rope all by herself! Not bad!

The resort closed the bunny hill early so Ryan took her up the first lift. And surprise major catastrophes!!

Little Morgie was a trooper during the whole thing! She played in the snow (or mud in some areas) and helped me cheer on Haley.

So yes, I am SICK of the snow!! However, I have to say that it was a great day! And the girls did a spectacular job (for once)!!!
But that's IT!!! No more snow!!! I'm DONE!!

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