Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Worry Wart of the Family

Yeah, that would be me.

Several years ago (OK, five and a half years ago), Ryan and I drove up here from Long Beach to look for a house to buy. We stayed with my great grandmother. She was about 96 years old at the time and she lived in her own home, by herself...yeah, pretty amazing. Anyway, Ryan and I would be gone pretty much all day with a realtor looking at houses, but we were home by dinner. Well, on the last day of our visit we went a lot later than usual and didn't get back until around 8:30 or so (maybe later, I don't really remember). We didn't have cell phones at the time so we never called her to let her know when we would get back...BIG MISTAKE! Knowing what I know now, we should have found a phone and called her. Just to give you a heads up...never, ever, let your 96 year old great grandmother wonder where you are! We didn't hear the end of it when we walked in the door that night, she just kept saying, "I only worry because I love you so much." Seriously...she must have said that about a 100 times that night.

Anyway, my point is, worrying must run in my family because I do a lot of it!! Every night when I lay down at night I basically worry. Worry mostly about my kids. I worry about Haley and when she starts Kindergarten. Will she do OK? Will she make friends easily? Will she do OK academically? And then there's Morgan...will she be grumpy forever?! Will she always be crying more then she smiles? Will my girls ever get along for longer then 5 minutes? I can go on and on about the things I worry about!

Really, I guess I started worrying the day I brought them home from the hospital. I would lay there at night and worry about whether or not she was still breathing. So, I suppose I might as well accept the fact that worrying is just what I do...it's who I am. I just wish it wouldn't interfere with my sleep!!

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