Thursday, April 30, 2009

Worry and Paranoia

OK, so not only am I a worrier but I can get extremely paranoid about things. I'm not OCD or anything, but it may come to that!

Health wise, the last couple of weeks haven't been so good in this house. Let me give you short version: It started with Haley having a fever for three days, then it turned into a cold. Then Morgan came down with a fever for about three days, and hers also turned into a cold. They both currently still have it. Then Jeff and I came down with a cold a few days ago. Then today, Haley comes down with another fever!!!! Ahhhh! What's going on?!

So anyway, having sick children at the same time as this Swine Flu pandemic...yeah, not a good combo! Plus, to add to my paranoia I saw an Oprah show about the flesh eating bacteria, MRSA!! I should have turned the TV off as soon as I saw the subject matter, I KNEW it was going to freak me out! It talked about this women who was chopping celery and cut her finger. The MRSA bacteria entered through that cut and basically started eating away at her and she ultimately had to have her whole arm amputated and a her right breast had to be removed. you see why it freaked me out?!

It makes me never want to leave my home! OK, that may be extreme...but seriously, it's a pretty scary world out there!

1 comment:

  1. That's just how "the man" wants you to react.
