Friday, May 1, 2009

Gone for Summer

The girls and I dropped Jeff of at the airport this afternoon. He's on his way back to the LBC for Summer. I gotta say, I'm bummed. We're going to miss him around here.

The things Jeff does that I'll especially miss:

Seeing his slippers always laying in the middle of the hallway. They seemed to always end up there on his way to the shower...and they stayed there pretty much the rest of the day.

The numerous (OK, it was only two) gallon size zip-lock bags filled with water left on my counter. He would fill the bags with ice, then he would put his laptop on top of the bag to cool it down when it started to seemed to do the trick!

All the loads of laundry I did of just towels every week. He always used a clean towel every time he showered...the towels piled up fast!

The cabinets always be left open. He claims that he never does that...but he does...Although he doesn't do it as much as my other brothers.

His shoes and socks that always collected under the coffee table.

And I know that he will miss us too...he'll especially miss the girls.

The way that Morgan always wiped her nose on a tissue and then crammed that same tissue back into the box.

Dealing with the girls bath toys always being left in the tub. He had to kick them out of the way when he showered.

Having to always move the girls step stool that they leave in front of the toilet and sink.

Hearing their fighting and screaming when he's trying to study in his room.

The way the girls always mooch off food from him when he's trying to eat something.

Double dipping, coughing without covering their mouths, picking their noses, sticking their hands in his water glass (I don't know why they do this, kids are weird). Etc. Etc.

I know he's sitting in Long Beach right now counting the days when he gets to come back for the Fall semester.

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