Thursday, May 28, 2009

I guess I knew it was coming...

I made the Utah Cycling Tabloid blog (does that make me famous? Or maybe infamous?!) the cat's out of the bag now.

I don't regret what I did...someone cheats right in front of me, I'm going to report it! I don't care if it "stirs the pot" or if I'm considered a "snitch" won't hurt my feelings, second grade has passed! I'm over 30 years old and I stand by what I do! Yes, the rule may be lame, but a rule is a rule! It just so happened my girls needed to use the porta-pots and the exact moment he decided to change his wheel behind the tent...I certainly wasn't seeking him out! And I just can't help thinking about all the juniors that are following the junior gear rule even when they disagree with it. Cheat to that what we want to teach our kids?

Anyway, I stole this from L'Autobus post. In all my years, I can safely say that I've never been referred to as a "stool pigeon". A first for me!

Back to the DQ's though, I don't know about doping but i do know about cheating.. and its never to early to start. Tanner"baby face"Putt(cole sport) collected the W at the Jordanelle crit but was quickly DQed for not running Jr. gears. It wasn't that simple though, Putt crossed the finish line and went straight to the Northwave tent for a wheel change, trying to pull the wool over the officials eyes. Good thing there were a few stool pigeons to alert the officials...It sucks for Putt cause he could of spun the 53x14 to a fine second behind Goulet, instead he got nun-th place..and that's why road racing is so fun.


  1. It would only be considered cheating if there was another jr in the race, but I was the only one. Cheat to win I don't see how racing with a 52 12 in a 1 2 race with no other jr's is cheating. I race the same race with the same gears as everyone else and I won I don't know how that is cheating. I don't care if you call me a cheater, I just see someone that can't deal getting old and loosing to someone half there age. It shouldn't have even mattered to you half your team was pulled out of the race, or are you just worried about the overall UCA team points, you tell me if that's ethical? The next time you have a problem with me come talk to me about it before you go tell the officials, just like you said were not in second grade.

  2. Boy, I thought I had left cycling drama behind when I quit 10 years ago!
    Tanner, I thought you rode an excellent race. And I think you may have won even on junior gears. I agree that juniors should not be required to use junior gears in senior races. However, what bothers me is that there are juniors that are following that rule and you are cheating them out of results. Maybe at this race you were the only junior, but there are others that are competing for upgrade points, spots on teams, etc. And I admire those that play by the rules.
    As far as the UCA overall, I could care less. Yes, I root for Ryan's team, but I don't keep track of points.
    When you are hiding behind a tent, I think you are beyond the point of me coming to speak directly to you. Your decision had been made.
    Now back to my life as a suburban mom. I am sure you will win lots of races in your career, and this event will be pretty minor in the big scheme of things.

  3. It is the first time that I haven't passed roll out, all the other races i have had the right gears so no ones being cheated out. I raced with my dads wheels cause I flatted right before the race. I'm done talking about this with you and Ryan, and I'm moving on.

  4. I understand, but a lot of people would have owned up to having the wrong gears. Mistakes happen. Like I said, I'm sure you'll have plenty of other opportunities.

    I'd like to move on as well. But I always have the last word on my blog!

    Best of luck to you!

  5. You are awesome Kelly and very well spoken. Way to stand up for what you believe!
    I think you made the right decision and cheating is never cool in sporting events - no excuses!

  6. Goodness, what is interesting is how conflicted people are. You can't quite figure out if they think following the rules is a good or bad thing.

    The Charming Idea is "Road Racing would be great, if it weren't for the rules."

    I wonder if it's just a bit of narcissism "I follow the rules, as long as it's Convenient, But beyond that They are there to win at all costs."

    Good Job Kelly, You are actually doing them a favor by making them stick to the rules.

  7. Good work Kelly. Rule are rules and everyone has to abide by them. Otherwise this would be *gasp* mountain bike racing! ;-)

    And you can bet that I make sure the junior on my team always rides the proper gears. Oh, and he still smokes the 1/2s on the junior gears and doesn't make excuses the times he doesn't win.

  8. Ryan, you did the right thing. I've raced on Jr gears, my younger brothers race Jr gears, it's a pain, but the rules force Jrs to be on Jr gears. I do believe that Jr gears are adequate for just about any pace...except fast downhills.

    Hopefully we don't need to go to the extreme and check gearing before and after the race.

  9. oh wait...This is Kelly's did the right thing!

  10. Thanks all...I appreciate the comments!
