Monday, June 1, 2009

I have become obsessed!

"We can just take our time and see what happens."

This is something I have said...but in all honesty in holds no truth. I'm referring to our decision to look for a new just "see what's out there". But really, I have become OBSESSED with it! I am not one to put something on the back burner...when we decide to do something, it consumes my entire's all I think about! I'm having flashbacks to using the same exact phrase when we decided to have a baby. Every month that I realized I wasn't pregnant was shocking to me..."What, how can that be?!! "We did it like a gazillion times!!!! How can I not be pregnant?!!!!". For our first baby, it took us a whopping two months to get pregnant. And for our second it took...*gasp* a whole THREE months!!! So you see...I'm not one to just "see what happens" or to take our time with something, which I'm not sure is a good thing right now. I have become a very distracted mom lately.

So with the house hunting, I am on a mission!! The right house has to be out there somewhere...right?! We have see several (one that was amazing!) but each was lacking things that we definitely need to have! I can't compromise on these things:

-Large kitchen!!! My house may be small right now, but I have an awesome kitchen! And the houses I've seen are bigger houses, but their kitchen are tiny! What's up with that?!

-The kitchen needs to be open to the family room. I want to be a part of things when I'm cooking.

-Large yard. We have two dogs, two kids...we need space for play!

-Bigger master bedroom. I refuse to buy a home with the same size master that I have now (which is small).

-Mud room or big laundry room. I have two dogs and two kids...enough said!

-Huge porch. Okay, I guess this isn't a necessity, but I love the idea of sitting on the porch watching the sunset...or something like that.

-Shorter commute time. I added that one for Ryan.

-Close to a canyon mouth. Either American Fork Canyon or Provo Canyon.

-Big garage or space for a shed. If you have seen our garage now, you would know why!

Picky...maybe a little! But the house IS out there, and I WILL find it!

1 comment:

  1. I dont think it's where you're looking, but my mom is trying to sell her home in Syracuse (I know it's a haul from where you are now). Good schools, four bedrooms, three baths, basement, laundry room, large kitchen that opens into living room, large master, 2+ garage, back porch, flagstone patio, etc. If it's out of your location, maybe someone else you know would be interested...

    It's a great house...
