Friday, May 15, 2009

New Unicorns

Meet the newest members of my girls' unicorn collection.

Last Saturday we spent the afternoon at the Gateway mall. The girls had a blast running around in the huge fountain (even though it was a bit chilly out). Anyway, at the end of the day we drive all the way home and pull into the driveway and then realized we were one unicorn short! Noooooooooo! Morgan left her little purple unicorn at the fountain! I hate losing toys!!!! I just picture this little cute stuffed unicorn just getting trampled by all these other kids and then ultimately getting tossed into the garbage. Poor mom and I were pretty close to jumping into the car and driving the hour back to the Gateway to find it. But we didn't. Instead, we took the girls to Build-a-Bear to get new unicorns. They LOVED it!! Haley still talks about it! She likes to tell everyone about her new unicorn which she named Star Shine. Morgan stuck with the name Una. She tells Ryan everyday how she made Star Shine. "First, we picked it out. Then we gave it a heart and stuffed it. Then we fluffed it. And then we dressed it, and Star Shine got to see herself in a mirror." etc. etc. etc. She claims that it was her best day EVER!!

So my mom had to go back home yesterday...we miss her! It was such a fun visit! Now today we are off to Bear Lake for the weekend. Ryan and his team are doing a stage race there.

Ryan and I woke up this morning to the sound of Haley in her room, "TODAY IS THE DAY!!! WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP!!! Morgan wake up!!! We're going on a trip!!!!!". She always loves a good road trip!!

1 comment:

  1. So sad about the unicorn...but sounds like they got a fun memory out of it! your girls are so cute and so funny.
