Monday, May 18, 2009

I Stand By My Man!!

Sometimes I feel like Ryan's shadow during the racing season. I go to races, we cheer on the team, we go home...that's pretty much it. I see drama unfold, but usually I just keep my mouth shut and stay out of it! Not this time! I may just be Ryan Barrett's wife...but this wife has an opinion too!

Background: This is Ryan's post from last week after the State Crit need to read it first to have any idea of what I'm talking about.

So, I was pretty amped for the state crit chumps. Sleevie was too, and I figured each of us was as good a shot at the win as anyone else, and we had some good wild cards to play by sending some of the rest of the team off the front as they are mostly all going well right now.
An unfortunate thing happened a few hours out from the race and Sleevie’s right shifter stopped functioning. We stopped at Canyon Draper for Jeremy to have a look, but the more he tinkered, the worse it got. The shifter is only a couple weeks old, so I’m pretty sure it’s a warranty deal. In any case, it didn’t work.

Here is where the day got hard for me, personally. Sleevie and Eric Moore ride the same size frame. Given the time constraints, there was no time to conjure up another bike for Sleevie and I made the call that Eric should let Sleevie ride his bike. I know I am going to take some heat for that call, regardless I am going to let the world in on my thought process.

We have an obligation to our sponsors to put the best team in to every race we can. And this race, being a state title, was particularly important. Sleevie was a better shot at winning the state title than Eric. I realize that sounds cold and if you want to hate me for it, so be it. I know we are a development team, and Sleevie is not that young, but I still view him as part of the development of the team. When you take out time away for injuries, he’s only been racing a couple years, and this was one of his best shots all year to win a big (by our standards) race, and score a fair amount of upgrade points. I will tell you that it was the hardest thing I’ve done since I started managing this team, but I stand by the decision.

The race went off okay. It was aggressive, but not terribly fast from the start. Lots of little groups going here and there. About a half hour in, Sleevie and Ben got in a ten person group that would eventually lap us with about a half-hour to go. Once they lapped, I just tried to keep Sleevie from having to do anything by sitting between 2nd and 4th wheel until the last lap. Overall, it was relatively easy to hold position. On the last lap, Cameron got a jump on Sleevie going into the last turn and held it for the V. He rode a great race. Sleevie was 2nd and Ali G 3rd. Sleevie was bummed and I had some thoughts as I felt he came around me a little early and I still could have put him in a better spot, but hindsight is always like that and he followed his instincts, which is all you can do in a sprint. I reminded him that he’s only been on the bike a bit over two months, and he is already the 2nd best crit racer in the state (at least on the day), which is not such a bad record!

Personally, I had that feeling like I never really got to uncork all day, which kinda sucks, but I am content with the end result for the team.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion to Ryan's decision. A lot of people agreed with him, and then their are some that disagreed...that's fine. However, someone posted a comment to his post that I feel was a bit harsh and uncalled for. This "someone" is a person that I know very well, and I'm surprised they said what they said:

This is exactly the type of thing that is ruining amateur cycling. You guys think you are making major calls, but the truth is its all just for fun. If the team members were getting compensated, I would say sure give Eric a day off, he gets paid anyway. But nobody is getting paid and now people are mad. Sleevie should have sat out and looked forward to next year, while Eric gave it his best shot.
And as far as development goes, lets face it, Sleevie is a little old to be humping the pro dream. If he had any sense he would had made the decision himself to sit out, instead of crying to you to make a dumb call.

First of all, "it's all just for fun"??!!! It's NOT "just for fun"...this team has been given a lot from sponsors who are expecting results! This is a team, not a club!! They had better take this serious if they want to keep those sponsors for the next year!

And this has nothing to do with whether or not people are getting a pay check! Ask a guy who got cut from the Tour de France how he feels. It's OK, because he's getting paid...he can take three weeks off?! These guys don't do it for the money, they all want to race...paycheck or not!!

And to take a cheap shot on Sleevie was just completely out of line! Let me think...Lance Armstrong, Chris Horner, Jamie Paolinetti, Levi Leipheimer (just to name a few)...all of which I might add are or were pro over the age of 35. So twenties just isn't that old!

Yes, this is a develop team...but one of the things these young guys need to understand is it isn't going to be fun and games if they want to keep pursuing this sport. Giving up your bike, giving up a wheel, going back for another rider who flatted, lead outs, etc. etc....sometimes you need to sacrifice a little to get the results for the team, you just don't have a choice!

People can disagree with Ryan's decision, but when you start insulting him and his team...that's when I get upset. I stand by his decision, and I might add that I'm pretty damn proud of him!


  1. I agree with you, Kelly. Ryan made the right decision.

  2. So a young racer on the developmental team is supposed to give up his bike to the assistant manager? Ryan and Sleevie are really helping that cyclist to a professional career... I am on that "somones", side as well as Gardy, Eric, and the many others who have failed to voice their opionions.

  3. Did you not read the part that Sleevie is a 2?!!! He may be assisting Ryan but he is on the development side!!

    I think some people are reading what they want and not taking in the whole picture!!

    If Eric was in better form, Sleevie would have had to sit out. They all need upgrade points, and Sleevie had a better chance in getting them.

    This is not a little jr. squad. Feelings are going to get hurt!! If your heart isn't in it, or you don't train like hell to prove you can do it, then oppurtunities are going to slip away. That's just the name of the game!

  4. Good points, Kelly. Well put. It's all part of the sport - including learning how to be part of the team and dealing with decisions.

  5. Amen Kelly. I'm glad we never had to make a call like this on our team. Ballsy move by Ryan, and one that was probably the right choice in retrospect. I think many of those who disagree don't have all of the information. People are entitled to their opinions, but to me its funny when people make judgements without the full picture. Hope all is well out there. Back to the OR...break time over.
