Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bear Lake Weekend

I realized that I never wrote about our weekend. We went up to Bear Lake for Ryan's race...actually three different races. We were able to leave Friday since Ryan had it off, so it turned into a really nice three day weekend. We also were able to score a free room at a bed and breakfast type place. So it was a cheap three day weekend! The funny thing was we were the ONLY ones at the place for the whole weekend...well, us and Ryan's team. Not even a manager was around, or at least we never saw one. Kinda weird. So when the girls ran amok I didn't have to worry too much, which made it nice.

The girls and I always enjoy going to this race. We did a lot of searching for shells at the beach, and played a ton at the different playgrounds they have. In fact, I screwed my neck up trying to be cool and hang upside down from my knees on a trapeze bar. Another reminder that I'm getting old! And of course the weekend wouldn't be complete without a raspberry shake. Oh and the best part...Ryan won the road race on Saturday!! So I'd say it was a pretty successful weekend...except for my hurt neck, that I could have done without!

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