Saturday, May 23, 2009

Time for change?

Some people in my family like to say that I crave chaos. Whenever things get "normal" around here, I have a tendency to add something to the mix. Our latest additions would be the dogs. Don't get me wrong...things are not even close to settling down or becoming remotely close to normal in this house. Belle (my latest addition) is still very much a puppy and I'm still battling the annoying puppy behaviors: peeing in the house, chewing on EVERYTHING, jumping on people, nipping, licking, and just basically not listening to a thing I say. So why are Ryan and I talking about a change?!! Who knows...I guess I'll just blame it on my ever desire to have some kind of challenge in my life. Or as my family says, my craving for chaos!

So now I'm sure everyone wants to know what kind of change I'm talking about. No, I'm not pregnant or anything like least not yet. Our latest challenge is the search for a new home. That's right, I never thought I'd see the day that our family would grow out of this home. Our three bedroom, two bath seemed huge the day we moved in! Now we are busting at the seams! However, we're not in any hurry, which is a good thing because I'm extremely picky on what I want our next house to be like. So this process may take months, or maybe years. Also, we are not selling this house which is comforting to me (I love this house!).

So, since I have a record of adding more to an already full plate, you would think purchasing an home would be easy for me...but the truth is, I'm terrible at big financial expenditures! Kids, dogs...I have no trouble adding more to the family, bring it!! But homes and cars I completely go into a panic! I wanted nothing to do with the purchase of our Passatt Wagon...I couldn't handle it. Ryan completely took over and did everything himself. Even buying this home, Ryan took most of the initiative on the "right" one for our family. I'm so glad I'm not alone...I would be a very indecisive mess!!

So anyway, I have a hunch that this year will be the start for change in this family. Terrifying as it may be for's also very exciting!

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