Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday...cont.

The kids LOVE birthdays! Doesn't matter who's it is...they love them! They love everything about them: decorating, cake, candles, singing...everything. But then...who doesn't love all those things?!

We didn't have a huge party or anything (maybe this weekend we will), it was just our little family celebrating. The girls helped make a sign for the door. And then Haley insisted that each chair have a picture hanging on it (it was her way of decorating). She dug out an old Spiderman coloring book we have because daddy needed a boy picture hanging on his chair. Everyone else had princess pictures.

I managed to make the tacos without burning myself from oil splatter (yay for me) and brownies for dessert. Ryan's favorite yellow cake with chocolate frosting I'll save for the weekend party. He'll get to blow out candles twice...lucky him!

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