Saturday, June 6, 2009

Getting Discouraged

So my mission in finding the perfect house is getting extremely frustrating! I have seen so many houses they are now just blending into one big tangled mess. When I'm talking to my mom on the phone trying to explain a particular house I saw I start to forget the simplest details. "The laundry room was in the....uh....well, it was in the basement. No wait, that was another house. Lets see the laundry room was near the...uh...hmm, I can't remember." Also, I'm really good about walking into a home and falling completely in love with one single feature that is has, and I'm willing to throw everything else to the wind. "I don't care that the master bedroom doesn't have a bathroom...LOOK at that yard, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! Let's buy this house!". Luckily, Ryan is there to occasionally knock some sense into me!

The funny thing about this whole house hunting thing is that I really really want to find that perfect house, however, I don't want to move. I love our house, and I love our neighborhood! And the thought of leaving is really difficult for me wrap my head around. Although, at the rate I'm going, I may be here for a while longer! But, we do need more space...that I know for sure! So the hunt continues...

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