Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Heart Provo

After living in Provo for the last 5 1/2 years I have to say we have really grown to appreciate this town. And quite frankly after touring NUMEROUS homes all over Utah County nothing really feels like home to me.

Some things we love about Provo:
-It's a College Town...which makes me feel young.
-BYU Creamery...need I say more?
-Burgers Supreme...where else can we go for a cheap meal and the chance to dine in a restaurant still sporting 70's decor?
-Rock Canyon. A favorite hiking spot.
-The river trail...we love taking family bike rides up to Vivian Park.
-Love all my doctors/pediatricians.
-It's still close to my brother's house.
-My parents will soon be living here...I hope, I hope, I hope...soon.

Anyway, after a lot of thinking, I think we belong somewhere in Provo. Granted, my feelings may change if the right house comes along, but for right now, that's how I feel.

I'll leave you with a couple of photos of the girls. They were being extra sweet with each other this morning.

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