Thursday, June 25, 2009

"I don't know."

My mom had one of the hardest years of her life! A year ago they found a "growth" in her colon during her colonoscopy. She went through a horrid surgery to have it removed and then discovered that it was cancerous. Cancer was also found in several nearby lymph nodes. She underwent chemo for six months and also had radiation. All of it...awful...just awful!

She has been done with chemo for about five months now. She went in for her annual colonoscopy yesterday. The area where she had her surgery was red, so they took some for a biopsy. Mom asked, "Why is it red?". Doctor's answer, "I don't know." "I DON'T KNOW"??!! What kind of answer is that??!! He just kept saying, "Talk to your doctor." You ARE a DOCTOR, you A-Hole!!!! My mom went to Hell and back this last year, the doctor can tell her SOMETHING! "It's red because it's still healing there. We've seen that before. It will always be red there. Or. It may be the cancer coming back." My mom is not a child...tell it to her straight!! So now we're all left with, "I don't know." for five days until we find out something.

I'm terrified.


  1. I'm sorry, Kelly! That is so frustrating. I'll be thinking about you guys.

  2. We, too, will hold you and all of your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. I'm sorry your mom has had to go through all that! No one wants to hear "I don't know". That sucks. Hope you hear good news soon.

  4. Oooooo Kelly. Mom had 8 months of chemo, and she has only been finished with chemo for about three months now.

    But yeah, Doctors are super lame about tests. Seems like they won't say anything that's not on the charts.
