Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yucky Cereal Week

I'm sure lots of families do yucky cereal week...at least that's what my mom called it when I was a kid. One day during the summer us kids got to pick out any cereal we wanted, our very own box! The idea was that it would last you a week (a bowl a day), however, depending on how fast we ate it, it sometimes it turned into yucky cereal day. I usually picked out Captain Crunch, that was my favorite. One time I remember picking out Lucky Charms and being very disappointed! That was one downfall, if you picked poorly there were no second chances! I remember trying to trade a bowl with my brothers, "I'll give you a bowl of Lucky Charms for a bowl of your Cocoa Puffs." Ah...good times.

Anyway, yesterday at the store I let the girls pick out a cereal for their yucky cereal week. Haley promptly picked out Trix and Morgan followed suit and grabbed Trix Swirls (I didn't even know that existed). They held their box of cereal the entire shopping trip (you would think they never had cereal before the way they held the box so close to them). Funny girls.

In other news, I'm taking a much needed break from house hunting this week. My realtor is out of town so it was good timing. We put an offer on a house over the weekend but I quickly regretted that decision. It can't be good when I burst into tears while eating at a restaurant, "I don't want to live there!". I really don't know how Ryan puts up with me! He totally thought I was crazy! The whole evening I just hoped that they wouldn't accept our offer...how wrong is that?! I wanted out, but I didn't want to look completely stupid and bail out after they accepted it. But luckily they didn't...they countered, and I ran! I find these great homes (because that house was perfect!) but they're located in areas I don't want to live. So from now on I refuse to look at any houses that are not where I truly want to be!


  1. I do think your crazy, but I like it. Not so much the crying part.

  2. PS- Why is it called yucky cereal week when you get to pick the one you want? Why would I choose yucky cereal? I'm so confuuuused.

  3. What adult likes Cocco Puffs or Trix...wait...don't answer that. I guess I've been known to have a bowl of Trix every now and then. Only at free hotel breakfasts...but then the choices are pretty bad, so Trix is always appealing then.

  4. Our Mom did the same thing with us... I have absolutely no memory of what cereal I picked, so I guess it wasn't the formative childhood experience it seemed at the time. Rob was always the ringleader in convincing Mom to do it - I remember that!

    I also find the yucky cereal nomenclature confusing! I thought you were going to say that it was the week when you finished up all the boxes of cereal in the house that had been sitting around too long - like they were going stale!

  5. Yucky cereal week rules. Someday when I am rich every week will be yucky cereal week.

    Sometimes we would go with those big bags of generic cereal on the bottom shelf, just so we could get as much sugar as possible.

    Mom got the idea from Calvin and Hobbes. Remember the strips when Calvin eats Sugar bombs and his mom is all grossed out?

  6. Sometimes I would pick the cereal based on what toy came in the box. I remember being so pissed when there wasn't actually a toy in there. It was one of those deals where you turn in 5 proofs of purchase and paid the shipping and handling.

    Toucan Sam can be a very misleading bastard to a seven year old.

  7. I don't think you need to be rich to have yucky cereal, they're usually cheaper than the healthy stuff...you don't have to pay for any nutritional value!

    Sugar bombs...I totally remember that!
