Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Friday's the day...hopefully.

Apparently we'll finally hear something from the bank this Friday about the house we put an offer's only been FOREVER!! Okay, it's been a little over two weeks, but it feels like forever! This is such a grueling process. A friend said that she knew someone who bought a house in a short sell and it took them 6 months before they got it. SIX MONTHS people...I will definitely go insane if I have to wait that long!!!! My pettily two weeks is nothing compared to that! But I'm definitely still going to complain about it. Have I mentioned how much I hate this process?!

Okay...moving on.

On a completely different note: A neighbor just stopped by (it's 7:30 AM) and I answered the door in my robe. When I'm wearing my robe around the house when it's just my family I feel very normal. But when someone else sees me in it, all of a sudden I feel very "Brady Bunch". It's a cute robe, a pretty lime green and knee length. But do people wear robes anymore? I was just wondering.


  1. No, people don't wear robes anymore, but I like that you do.
    Who came by at 7:30? Something you're not telling me??
    PS- Forgot my least the girls get spaghetti for lunch.

  2. I will be on pins and needles waiting to hear about the house - maybe not as much as you, but still!
