Monday, July 27, 2009

Grandparent's Visit and Birthday Pictures

We had a really nice weekend with Ryan's mom and her husband, Ken. They came for a visit from Sedona, AZ...I think they enjoyed the cool 90 degree temps we had compared to the low 100's they're used to! We celebrated Morgan's Birthday on Saturday and let me tell ya, I'm so glad I gave her a separate birthday party instead of the combined Haley/Morgan party like last year! I think she really felt special! When she saw the presents she started passing some to Haley. I explained that they were ALL for HER...whoo, was she thrilled!
Blowing out the candles. You can see Haley in the background getting ready to help out!

Some pictures from Bridal Veil Falls.

Another reason why I live where I Beautiful!

The girls with Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that Morgan had a great birthday. Always makes it special when family is in town, too. I bet Haley is rarin' to go now, after seeing Morgan have her party!! Only a few days to wait.
