Monday, July 13, 2009

Kids are like men.

I made some Gooey Butter Cake a couple of days ago (it's a recipe from Paula Dean...go GOOD). And yes, since it's a recipe from Paula Dean we all know it's has a ton butter in it...hence the name, but we won't go there. Anyway, after lunch the girls and I had some for dessert. As we were all sitting at the table eating, it occurred to me how similar little kids and men are when it comes to eating. I'm not saying that men are slobs or anything...if Ryan ate spaghetti like my kids we would have to have a serious discussion! No, I'm referring to the speed at which they eat. They eat as if someone is about to take their plate! I think Haley ate that cake in one bite! And Morgan wasn't far behind! Are they even enjoying that cake?! Men seem to have that same approach...a lot of the time anyway. Put a Teuscher's truffle in front of a man and a woman. The woman will most likely make sure she is sitting down and preferably in a peaceful spot (no kids, distractions etc.) before taking a bite. She would also take small bites letting the chocolate melt in her mouth, chewing very slowly and most likely making "mmmmm's" and "ooooooohhhhh's" as she's eating it. A man on the other hand would pick it up and pop the whole thing into his mouth and eat it, most likely while he's doing something else at the same time. Now how can they savor that truffle when they eat like that?! What a waste!

Growing up us kids always made fun of my mom when it came to eating sweets. She would never eat it immediately, she would save it and eat it when the moment was perfect (no distractions, kids, you know). We could never understand why she did that. Now I know...I get it. I find that first thing in the morning, before the kids are up, and the house is calm is the best time to eat dessert...and you can bet, even if I'm alone I'm still making the "mmmmmm's" and "oooohhh's" and savoring every bite!


  1. Oh this made me laugh and it is so true! Although, I wish I could get my kids to eat everything on their plate the way Dave does :)

  2. I NEVER eat sweets with the kids! I just can't enjoy it if I'm busy wiping off their chins or getting them more milk, etc, etc. But, they are like little detectives... they can always smell what I've been eating on me and call me on it... "Mom, you smell like chocolate." Who me???

  3. Hmmm...I guess I'm more of a manly-type eater...

    You'd think I could eat slowly and savor every bite - it's not like I came from a huge family where if you didn't hurry you wouldn't get any. I just like to get it in fast so I can have more! I love food!
