Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morgan the Meltdown Champ!

The weather is so nice today the girls and I decided to take a nice leisurely walk on the path this afternoon (they rode their bikes, I walked). We took the long way through the neighborhood to the river path. Well, it didn't quite go the way I had hoped.

I had to get sunscreen on them first, which is ALWAYS a battle with Morgan. I manage to get some on her by pinning her to the floor all the while she is screaming and kicking. When I'm done she says "BAD MOMMY...NO!!" over and over. I put her on a chair to scream it out while I get Haley ready. Meltdown #1.

Finally, Morgan is still furious with me, but she calms down and decides she's ready to get on her bike...we're off. We come up to some gardeners doing some lawn work. Morgan points to some of the equipment and asks what it is. I say, "A big mower." "NOOOO, what's THAT?!" as she points even harder this time. I say, "It's a leaf blower". "NOOOOO, THAT?!" "That's gas can." "NOOOOOOO! THAT!!!" Okay, I'm sure you're getting the idea. I said the name of every single lawn tool I saw...but none of it was what she was apparently pointing to. I keep walking...she's screaming. Meltdown #2

We eventually make it to path where she finally stopped screaming. We see the chickens, the horses in the pasture, and a few cows and then start heading back. Morgan starts to get a little tired so she got off her bike and started walking while dragging her bike. I knew she would get back on after she realized that it's easier to peddle the bike than to drag it. Well, all of a sudden this fast past walker was coming up to us. He saw that Morgan was dragging the bike and decided he was going to "help" her out. He says, "Here let me get that for a little ways." He picks up the bike and continues walking (in a very fast past) down the path carrying her bike. It happened so fast I didn't even have time to say anything! He was already down the path, with her bike! He finally put it down a long ways away from us. Now, I know he was just trying to help so Morgan didn't have to drag her bike that far, but he doesn't know my Morgie!! Meltdown #3. Needless to say, I'm the one who had to retrieve her bike and bring it back to her. Thanks for nothing Mr. Fast Past Walker Guy!

Off we go again. We get to the part of the path that goes back out to the neighborhood. There is a little hill that the girls love to coast down (they go really fast). They do it about three times then we continue on again. Well, Morgan starts yelling that she wants to do again (now keep in mind I already gave them another chance, if I continued saying "just one more time" we would be there all day). So I keep walking and say "no". Meltdown #4 This meltdown continued on for some time and consisted of me walking carrying her shoes and bike while she chased me screaming the entire time. Ahhh...good times.

Every meltdown Morgan had, Haley kept giggling to herself saying, "Where's the movie camera when you need it."


  1. I love Haley's sense of humor!

  2. Isn't it funny how strangers think they're "helping"? I love your posts!

  3. Sounds like my house lately. Girls are so emotional! I hate toddler meltdowns.
