Monday, August 10, 2009

Anniversary Dinner and Haley's Birthday

Ryan and I strayed from our usual (cheaper) restaurants and went to the Foundry Grill up at Sundance for our Anniversary. Thanks to our friends for taking the girls with a very late notice! It was a very nice and leisurely dinner. I didn't feel like the service was trying to rush you through a meal like they normally do when you have children at the table. We were able to have a conversation uninterrupted! We didn't have to cut up someone else's chicken. We didn't have to tell kids to stay in there seats or to use their napkins. No spilled drinks and no "I have to go potty" to speak of. It was wonderful!

Saturday was Haley's birthday party. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and it was a bit chilly! Who would have thought...chilly in August?! But, it didn't stop the kids from swimming in the little pool's amazing how kids don't seem to care that they are freezing!

We had a few games: Pin the tail on the Donkey, a game where they "fished" for a prize and the much loved pinata. And of course cake and presents. After two hours with six 5 years olds, we were beat! I think I need to start letting them have birthday parties every other year!

The Horse Cake I made...I'm very proud of it!

Haley beating the horse pinata. She wanted to keep it after it was all torn up, but we talked her out of it...luckily.



  1. Cute cake! Looks yummy!
    Lucas had a blast. He was still talking about it that night.

  2. i love the cake too!!!
    Happy Birthday Haley!!!
    Flor (
