Monday, August 10, 2009


So while the bank people sit around a pick their noses and take their sweet time with our offer another offer came in on the house that we want. Pretty upsetting to say the least. I have decided that I hate banks...they are awful people who will do anything to make a penny! They have no idea the stress that this is causing...and even if they did they wouldn't care. And these other horrid people who had to put their offer in probably don't even care about the house like we do!! So it's come to this...a bidding war. Well, I guess it's not going to be much of a war...we don't have a lot of wiggle room with our offer. But it's worth a shot!

So let's see what going on:

Fighting for the house we want.

Frantically trying to get this place in tip top condition in case we need to sell quickly.

Haley starting school in a couple of weeks.

Family coming in for a visit next week and bringing Jeff back here for school.

Two dogs that are still extremely of these days I might train Belle...ha ha.

Might as well add something to the already full plate...



  1. Wait, did I read that last line correctly? YAY!! Congrats! I am so excited for you guys!

    I just barely read this! If I had read it sooner I would have mentioned something yesterday when I saw you!!
    When's the due date?
