Thursday, August 13, 2009

Feels like Friday

Monday felt like Tuesday. Tuesday felt like Wednesday...yadda yadda yadda. I hate weeks like that! And I haven't felt like a very good mom/housewife. I've been getting the basics done: some laundry, a little bit of cleaning, some errands. But I'm not giving 100%. My dinners have been very mediocre (although we have not had cereal for dinner once this that's good). I'll go to the grocery store, and buy a bunch of food and later I'm still thinking, "I don't know what to cook for dinner!". Or I'll cook dinner, but major sides are missing...such as the vegetables! I kinda need that one! I hate when I get like that because I usually love to cook! But I've been so unmotivated do anything really. My mind as been so distracted! I started reading "The Life of Pi" this week, but gave it up when I had to start reading whole pages over again because I didn't remember what I had read. What's the point?! I'm in a weird funk and I've got to get out of it! I have to start putting the house thing in the back of my mind and try not to think about it...I have to be PATIENT! What will happen, will time.

As Ryan left for work I told him that I'll try to take the girls out hiking today. I try to tell him something that we may do, because then I'll try harder to actually do it. I don't want him to come home and ask the girls, "How was your hike?" and they look at him with a blank stare. Actually, they would do that even if we DID go on the hike...they seem to have short term memory problem. There will be days that I take them to do all these fun things and I can't wait for them to tell Ryan about it. Instead when they're asked what they did that day they'll say, "We watched a Barbie movie that we got from the library!". Great, out of all the fun things we did, they bring up the stupid Barbie movie!

Anyway...bottom line, I'm in a funky funk and I've got to turn it around and try to salvage this week! My parents, Jeff and his girlfriend are coming in next week, so I have that to look forward to! Yeah...not sure where everyone is going to sleep, but we'll figure it out (I need my big house!). The more, the merrier...that's what I say!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear it's ok to have cereal occasionally at your house too!
