Friday, August 14, 2009

Mighty Mountain

A little fresh mountain air does wonders! Yesterday we packed up a lunch and hiked up Mt. Timpanogos trail. Although it was HOT in the valley, it wasn't too bad was very pleasant, with a nice cool breeze.

Here are the girls starting out. Yes, Una made the trek as well! Haley has this little backpack/carrier that came with a baby doll to put in it. She ditched the baby and uses it for Una. And I want you to notice the rock Morgan is holding. She carried that thing nearly the whole hike! When she was getting tired I told her it was probably that 5 pound rock you're lugging around...she finally decided to put it down.

Had to take my picture to document that I was there.

We made it all the way to the waterfall...I was VERY impressed that they did it!! The waterfall kept them going, they liked the idea that they were getting closer to it after every bend.

On the way back they had a few whining episodes, "It sooo hot." (It really wasn't that hot) "I can't walk anymore." "Carry me!". But luckily they got over it, and continued on.

Paper wasps Morgan found...very cool.

The day ended with a thunderstorm and huge down pour of rain, which Haley promptly ran outside to run in it. She was soaked! I do love a good summer rain!


  1. Haley has a pretty Unicorn and Morgan has a dumb ol pet rock. Now its clear which child is the favorite!

  2. Ha ha...still not sure what the attachment to that rock was...strange!
