Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bangs, Fairs and Two Wheelers

Pretty good Saturday. It was off to a rocky start with good bit of rain in the morning, cleared up by the afternoon. I got my haircut in the morning. I took the plunge and got bangs. Now, I have not had bangs since I was a child and I was pretty scared to go that route since I hated them when I was younger. However, I've been in a rut...I decided to give them another chance. I'm still on the fence. They're a little funky right now, but I think I maybe will be able to get them to work...hopefully. Anyway, I included a bad picture of them, but it was all I had. The wind was wasn't my fault.

Had a good time at the Utah County Fair this afternoon. We saw the animals (the girls' favorite part), watched a little of the tractor pull (good stuff), saw some really bad singing from this girl who came all the way from CA to perform (big mistake!), did some crafts in the kids area which included winning some free cake and donuts in the cake walk, and enjoyed some shave ice. Ahhh, good times.

Also, something very exciting. Haley has learned how to ride her two wheeler!! Ryan has been working with her several nights a week. He started out by learning balance without pedals (she just kicked with her feet). And then the other day she asked for the pedals to be put back on. Once he put them on, she was zooming down the street! She loves it!! Which is pretty big deal around you can imagine! She still needs help starting on her own and turning a sharp turn, but she doing awesome! We're very proud!

Just a side note...The bike she's riding was my younger brother's. Both Andrew and Jeff learned how to ride on that bike! It's about 20 years old and still going strong!


  1. Been meaning to comment that not only am I very impressed, but not surprised, by Haley's cycling expertise, I am also very impressed by your taking a chance on a new hairstyle!! I'm holding strong... I may have this haircut the rest of my life.
