Friday, August 21, 2009

Ice Blocking

My grandparents, parents, Jeff, and his girlfriend Jen arrived Monday...and I have been loving it! It's so nice to have tons of family around.

Last night we took the entourage to look at the house we're hoping to get. I told my realtor that I wanted my dad to look it over and I think she was a little surprised when two Suburbans pulled up and 10 people piled out. They all seemed to like it pretty well, and all agree it would be a really good investment. We're STILL waiting to hear from the bank and our finger's are still crossed!

Anyway, after that we all headed to Rock Canyon Park for some good ol' ice blocking fun! The last time we went ice blocking my dad dislocated his finger and I messed up my shoulder. Usually, there's some kind of injury (but it's sooo worth the risk). However, this time we were lucky! Other than some minor tweaks to the neck, sore butts and major grass stains we all walked away unscathed.

Jeff and Ryan

The girls may need to work on their technique a little bit.

Typical bike racer form: tongue sticking out.

Me eating grass while my mom takes the win.

Jen coming down...I think she gets the award for the most crashes.

Jeff and my dad's form cracks me up!

Matt giving it a go.

Pre and post crash of me.

We finally decided it was time to go when it got too dark and we couldn't see anything anymore. We ended the evening with some ice cream at the creamery...Mmmmm.
I LOVE summer!


  1. Ok, I see what it is,but what is ice blocking & how come I have never heard of it?


  2. It looks like sledding down grass. Do you actually use a block of ice or is it plastic that when it started way back when was a block of ice.

  3. Mom, you are on the right track. This "sport" consists of sitting on a block of ice and cruising down a grassy hill. Because we just don't get enough snow around here to make real sledding an option.
    At least in August.

  4. I think it is because you Utahans love snow so much and by August are having serve withdrawal from snow.

