Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mellow Day

My parents and grandparents left this morning. Jeff, of course, is here to stay. And Jen is staying until Wednesday (or something like that, half the time I don't know what those two are up to). It was sad to see them leave, but the good news is that they'll be back in a couple of weeks to stay for the month on September! Yay! The tenants are moving out of their rental, so they'll be staying there (in case you wondering).

I'm not really in the blogging mood...I'm always a little bummed out the day family leaves. Ryan is racing and working at the Tour of Utah today. I was going to go, but it's been pretty rainy all morning and I didn't want to be stuck in a downpour with the kids plus a zillion other spectators at the race. I know...I'm complaining.

Anyway, I thought I'd post a few more pictures of the weekend.


Lifeguard Jeffy working with Morgan.

My grandparents.

We had a party for my grandma's birthday Saturday night. Morgan doesn't hesitate to help her blow out the candles.

Group shot.
Morgan was being difficult and refused to stand up and Haley has her face buried in Ryan's shoulder. My Great Aunt's son has a prosthetic leg and Haley was pretty much terrified of it. She spent the entire evening on her bed under her sheets. Not even the cake could get her out! Oh well...something she'll have to get used to eventually.

Actually the day hanging out at home is probably the best thing right now. The girls have been going full blast all week and have had a lot of LATE evenings...bedtime was thrown out the window! So we'll take it easy today...or at least try.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Haley I understand. I remember being terrified of my great grandma after she took off her wig and took out her teeth one day.
