Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last Morning

Today is my last morning to...

not pay attention to the time.

let Haley sleep past 7:00 (pretty rare anyway).

have morning cartoons on the TV.

snuggling with them on the sofa for as long as I want.

letting them eat their bagel in the living room while they watch their morning cartoons.

lounge around and read the paper in my pajamas.

watching the girls run around the backyard barefoot in their pajamas.

stay in pajamas until I realize what time it is and then hurry up and get dressed before I'm placed in the category of a slacker mom.

let Haley choose her outfits...well, she can still choose, but I have to okay it. (No more princess dresses or skirts that she's desperately still trying to fit into even though they are waaaay too short.)

Today is my last morning to throw any type of schedule or routine to the wind. It's time to get in gear and realize I have a child in SCHOOL...real school...everyday school! My world as I know it is coming to an end. It's now going to be about being on the ball, keeping to a schedule, buses, class parties, PTA, homework and other things that I'm sure I'll discover quickly.

All of this starting tomorrow...so this morning, I'm really going live it up! Slacker mom, here I come!


  1. Is Ryan riding the bus or following along in the car so you can ride the bus?

  2. I hear ya, Kelly. I have been really appreciating our leisurely mornings lately because I know they are about to come to an end. I can barely remember how I managed to get two kids ready and out the door by 8:45am last year, and now I'm going to have to accomplish that by even earlier! I love summer.

    Great post.
