Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Haley had her first day of Kindergarten yesterday...what an experience! She was so excited! It was actually really easy to get out the door by 8:00, she was so cooperative, it took no time at all for her to get ready. Hope that lasts!

Here she is all ready to go!

She just seemed waaay too small to get on that huge bus! Luckily, she had a lot of friends with in numbers, right? I just kept saying, "Stay with Kaitlyn and Laura". Kaitlyn is in Haley's class and Laura is her older sister. So we put a lot of pressure on Laura to get these kids to their right class. She took on the role of "mother" for all the new Kindergartner's.

So we said goodbye and "I love you" about a thousand times and off she went.

Then Ryan and I hopped in the car and went to the school to meet her. Call us overprotective, I don't care, I needed to make sure she got there okay. She did. And I got more pictures.

Morgan and I were at the bus stop promptly to meet her after school.

As all the other little kids came off the bus smiling and excited and shouting, "MOMMY!". This is what I saw.

This picture was taken right before she burst into tears. Let me explain...We made a scrapbook page all about her to take to school. Her teacher is going to make a class book with every child's page, so the kids can look at it all year long. Then at the end of the year her teacher gives it back. Well, she was extremely upset that her teacher kept her scrapbook page. I thought that I had explained what it was for, but apparently not well enough. So it wasn't the happy picture I thought I would get, but that's what happened. She got over it, and decided that she did like her teacher and wanted to go back the next day.
So there you have little girl is growing up!

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