Saturday, August 29, 2009

"She never complained once!"

I always come across different stories about people who may be going through a very difficult time in their life, such as an illness and it never fails...when someone describes that person they always say something like, "She NEVER complained once, through all those hard times...".

When my mom was going through her chemo treatments she would come across cancer survivor articles saying the same things, "She was a fighter...never complained...never asked, "Why me?"." So on and so on. Could that reeeeally be? They NEVER complained once?!

To me, I think people have the right to complain a little. When my mom was going through her chemo treatments, she was entitled to complain...I would be pretty weirded out if she didn't. Uh, you have a IV dripping pure poison into your body making you absolutely sick and miserable every single day...I certainly didn't expect her to say "Life is great...this is making me such a stronger person". NO, IT SUCKED! IT WAS AWFUL!! It was an absolutely miserable experience for her! I'm not saying she was a big complainer...she certainly wasn't! I think I'm just not a fan of the phrase, "They never complained once"...I don't think it holds a lot of truth.

So anyway, with that said...I'll start my complaining.

I thought I was in the clear with this pregnancy...up until about a week ago I was feeling super! Not so much anymore. My nausea hits about mid to late afternoon...right about the time I'm supposed to be thinking about getting dinner started. It's been nearly four years since the last time I was in the early months of pregnancy...long enough for me to have forgotten everything. Last night while I was cooking dinner I had to bend over about five different times to get the blood back into my head in fear that I was about to faint. Then when we sat down, the only thing I could even remotely think about eating were the mash potatoes...with lots of salt. So while everyone is eating away...Yes! I want a medal! I want some kind of acknowledgement for how difficult it is to muster all the energy I have and to fight back waves of nausea, fainting spells, or the thought of just curling up on the sofa and going to sleep, just so you people can have a good meal!

I've been trying to have big breakfasts since I know I won't be eating much in the afternoon and evening. I've found that Pasta Roni is something that I can't live without while I'm pregnant. And recently I've discovered mashed potatoes also does the trick (thanks Megan). Anything salty! Last night I had a bowl of cereal before I went to bed, I got a much better sleep!

I've been a bit comatose in the day, but I know this is all temporary...and it's all worth it! As long as I can complain about it on the way! When someone writes something about me I realize that they will never be able to write the phrase, "She never complained once." And I'm okay with that!

Just for the record...I'm not that big of a complainer (Ryan please defend me!).


  1. Oh yes, mashed potatoes are a must. I can't tell you how many times I had an emergency drive-thru stop at KFC! And Criscut fries from Carl's Jr. - just so I could make it home. Oh the joys of pregnancy! You are welcome to complain to me anytime :)

  2. Oh could I forget to mention french fries! Another must!

    When I was pregnant with Haley I was addicted to Pringles!

  3. I ate so many bowls of frosted mini-wheats when pregnant with Parker! That's the only craving I ever had in my pregnancies. Of course, then I couldn't even look at a bowl of frosted mini-wheats for the next couple years...

    You deserve to complain, Kelly! Being pregnant is hard work!
