Monday, August 31, 2009

Lucky Day

This afternoon I had some errands to do. This was my first experience with three children...a crash course for next year I guess. For the confused...I'm watching my little nephew while my brother finishes up school this semester.

Anyway, back to the errands. So we're at Great Harvest picking up some bread...and the yummy samples of course.

It's a very tricky procedure getting the kids into the back seat of the wagon. There's a car that parked close to the side I have to load the infant carrier. So I open the door carefully (half way open) and have Morgan slide in first (her car seat is on the far side). Then I have to put the infant carrier in next (the middle). Meanwhile, I tell Haley to STAY PUT (she has to go in last) while I buckle the car seat in. Well, while I'm busy buckling she has decided to open the door ALL the way hitting the car beside us. I don't discover this until I finish buckling 20 minutes later (okay not really, but that's how long it feels I take to load car seats). I look over and see a HUGE smudgy spot on the other person's car and my door wedged tightly between the cars. I think I said...maybe a little too loudly, "JESUS CHRIST!"...sorry, but it's the truth. And then I frantically started wiping the smudge off only to discover that there was a little tiny dent. Which I think I may have said...yes out loud..."SH#T!". So I'm standing there still wiping the side of this person's car as if my wiping will magically make this little dent didn't. And as I'm doing this (most likely mumbling under my breath), the owner of the car appears behind me, and says, "OH, it's okay....don't even worry about it. My dogs scratch up the side of my car all the time." I must have jumped so high... she really came out of the blue! Who knows how long she was standing there watching me and witnessing my language. And just for the record, she had a nice wasn't even scratched up. So now I'm practically bowing down to her, "I'm soo sorry. I'm so so sorry." Like an idiot. She kept saying don't worry about it. And I believe she even said, "Your kids are too cute to get mad at them for that!". Say Whaaaaat? I almost said, "Are you an angel?! I love you!". So anyway, I must have said "thank you" a million times and then off we went.

The ironic thing about this whole incident....While we were sitting on the bench eating our samples I saw her pull into the spot beside me. And as I was watching her get out of her car I was thinking to myself, "She better not hit my car with her door!".

I'm awful.

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