Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hiking Pictures

I'm finally getting around to posting pictures from our hiking adventure Sunday. We were going to just go up the Timp trail but made a last minute change and went up to Stewart Cascade. Actually, we never made it that far. Morgan was a bit on the whiny side and just wasn't feeling that day...some days a girl just doesn't want to hike! Haley on the other hand would have just kept going forever! Too bad they can't have good days on the SAME would make things a lot easier.

Don't worry...Una made the trip too! You may be able to see her peeking out of Haley's backpack.
Morgan decided she needed a little dirt bath.

At the end we had a picnic lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole and me would love to be hiking that trail. It looks so nice.

    Someday everyone in the family needs to go on a hike like that together. That would be cool.
