Saturday, September 5, 2009


Have you ever gone to a party or some type of social event, and then later when you're laying in bed you think of all the stupid things you said and get angry at yourself for saying them? Well, that happens to me a lot. I'm having one of those moments regarding my previous blog post on when Haley hit the lady's car with her door. I probably shouldn't have used the language I did or at least shouldn't have wrote them...I may have offended some people that read the blog...sorry.

I've kept a journal since I was in grade school...seriously, about the time I could write I kept a journal. My very first journal is a small spiral notebook. In it I recorded poems such as "Star Light, Star Bright", because I didn't want to forget the words. Little did I know that poem was so popular! I also had a list of all the names of my stuffed animals. I was very concerned that I had one stuffed animal in my bed longer then the I started a check list so I could keep track. I didn't want any stuffed animal's feeling hurt!

So, anyway I have books upon books of journals...I think I may die if anyone got a hold of them. I put EVERYTHING in them! Anyway, blogging has taken over and is my main source of journaling now. So when I write, I just write...forgetting who's going to read it. Journaling is second nature to me.

I also don't like to filter too much, because I want people to see my moments of weakness...which add up, I know. I want people to see that I'm not perfect!

So anyway...I'm sorry to anyone I may have offended. I'll try to watch it next time!

1 comment:

  1. I would be SHOCKED if you offended anyone!! You are just being yourself, and anyone who reads this blog does it because they love you, unfiltered!
