Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm not ready!!

Okay...I'm currently 8 weeks along in my pregnancy...I think...well, I'm pretty sure. I haven't gone to the doctor yet, so we'll see soon enough. Anyway, that's not that far along at all if you think about it (even though it feels like FOREVER that I've been feeling nasty). I mean really, my little bun in the oven is not that big, a pea size maybe...if that! Anyway, my question...Why do I already feel FAT?! My first pregnancy, I didn't show ANYTHING until around the end of my fourth month. And even in my fifth month when I started wearing maternity clothes, I still didn't look pregnant. I feel like I'm gaining weight like crazy...not sure how...when everything tastes gross to me right now. Okay, not everything...those Dorritos I had earlier really tasted good today. And yes, I know that sounds bad when I'm asking how I'm gaining weight, but I don't eat Dorritos everyday! Now, I know a lot of people are laughing at me right now and thinking, "What on Earth is Kelly talking about, she doesn't look any different!". But the truth is I DO...I'm the one that sees myself naked in front of the mirror...and I'm telling ya...I'm already changing! I'm not ready to be fat!!!! Already one of my pairs of jeans don't fit, and a pair of shorts. So I'm down to my skirts, one pair of jeans (they have a stretch to them), and finally...sweats. Oh...the horror! Have I mentioned that I'm not ready to be fat! Funny how during my first pregnancy I couldn't wait to show. I wanted the whole world to know that I was pregnant! Now...not so much. good thing about this weight gain...I get to have breasts again! Yippee for me!


  1. At least you know from prior experience that you'll lose the weight again! It's just temporary and all for a good cause. I think the more kids you have, the earlier and earlier you have to move into maternity clothes, so just wait till you have a 4th!

  2. I really doubt you are gaining much weight. Let alone fat. You could probably gain 35 pounds and still not look fat.
