Saturday, September 12, 2009

Love, love, love...

having my parents here! They've always been a phone call away, but NOW I can hop in my car and see them when ever I want! It's the best! Today I picked up my mom and we went to Costco together (we're planning an outing tomorrow and we needed a some stuff for a picnic). I know it's just Costco, but it's these little simple things that I love doing together. And I love how we can have dinner together when ever we want. Cheesy as it may sound, I feel much more complete the more family I have close by.

They're staying in the house they own, making a lot of improvements to it before it goes up for rent again. I'm trying really really hard to talk them into leaving it open so they can come and go when ever they want...not sure I'm very successful at it, but it's worth a shot!

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