Monday, September 14, 2009

Antelope Island

We went on a family outing yesterday to Antelope Island. I had never been there before. Ryan on the other hand has been there five times! All for bike races, three of which he won! So he has some good memories there!

Antelope Island is located in the Great Salt Lake and there's a causeway you can drive on the get onto ferry necessary. The island was home for prehistoric people more than 6,000 years ago, but the first permanent residence was built in 1848...which is Utah's oldest Anglo-built structure still standing on the existing foundation. Yeah...I totally remembered all way I had the pamphlet sitting right in front of me.

The Ranch house. People were still living in this house until 1981!

Buffalo are everywhere on the island, and they just roam where ever they want...sometimes right off the side of road. It was pretty spectacular. Obviously antelope are everywhere too, they're just a little harder to spot. However, right before we were leaving the island two antelope jumped right in front of the truck. Luckily we didn't hit them! They ran beside the truck for a little bit before they finally ran back into the brush. Yeah...can't get any closer than that!

HORSES! The girls were heaven!

Hanging out on the beach.

We were going to grill some hot dogs and have smore's on the island, but we got rained out. So we all went back to our place to eat it. So yeah...this is me roasting a marshmallow on an electric stove top...pretty ghetto...but it was soooo worth it! That was a good smore's! I can't take credit for that idea, it was my mom's (everyone else was making them in the microwave). But she didn't want to be in the picture...I don't know why!

The day was tippy-tops!

1 comment:

  1. We love going to Antelope Island. If you get there early in the morning you'll probably see a lot more antelope. I was taking pictures there one morning and saw the herd just along side the road. Two were *fighting* in the middle of the intersection next to a Yield sign. I laughed about that for a good five minutes.
