Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, it's official...we've pulled our offer on the house. We're over it...done...sick of it! No regrets!

I'm just not in the mood to move anymore, I'm content in our little home for a little while longer. I'm sure I'll be going crazy this Winter when we're all couped up inside all the time...oh well. Some larger families have it much worse, I should be thankful I own my home! So maybe next year we'll give it another go, perhaps I'll get motivated again. We'll see.

In other news...My mom just called and invited the girls to stay the night over at their house tonight...yeah, ALL NIGHT!! I'm just beside myself with excitement! My mom said, "Yeah, that way you and Ryan can go out to dinner and sleep in a little.". I was like, "If you're taking my kids all night, I'm booking a room somewhere!!". I want to get out of the house, go on a mini trip (local of course)! Oh my...the possibilities!! Can you tell this is my very first time having a night away from my kids? I'm ditching the sweat pants tonight baby!!!! I'm bringing sexy back!!


  1. Oh how nice! Have such a good time!

  2. Yay for Moms! I'm glad you're staying here a little bit longer. :)
