Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holding down the fort.

First of all...my little getaway with Ryan was WONDERFUL! I so so so needed that! Even if it was for a very short time, it was well worth it! We ended up staying in Park City for the night. Had a nice dinner on Main St. (we were tempted to make up stories and tell people we were newlyweds, because honestly that's what it felt like...I was so giddy). We got to wake up on our own...no kids pouncing us at the wee hours of the morning...ahhhh, wonderful! And finally we enjoyed a very nice breakfast (my favorite meal to go out for) before heading back to Provo.

And the girls did great at my folks' house...they were so excited to have their first "sleepover"! Thanks again mom...we needed that!

So now I'm holding down the fort here by myself while Ryan is at Interbike in Vegas for the week. Actually I'm not really alone, Jeff is here. It's nice to have another adult in the house to keep my sanity, and to have someone besides a child to talk to. My parents went back to Long Beach today...I know, bad timing! They have some things to take care of there and then they'll be back in the beginning of October.

In the pregnancy department...I've had to find a new obgyn because my old doctor doesn't deliver at my hospital anymore. Bummer! So I found one, but apparently he's very popular! It's nearly impossible to get an appointment with him! So I have to see the midwife at the office first and then I can see him the rest of the time. And even then, I couldn't see her until October 6th! I've never had my first appointment this late before...I'll be 12 weeks by then. But whatever, not much I can do about it. On a good note, I'm starting to feel a little better lately. I'm not as nauseated in the afternoon and I'm starting to get my energy back. I'm not laying completely comatose on the sofa while the kids run amok around me anymore, so that's nice. And I can make and eat dinner without the urge to vomit every time I look at my plate, so that's good too. Making progress!

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