Thursday, August 6, 2009

Going through the motions.

I know that we have to sell this house to afford a larger one. I've even starting the process to fix this place up: took down our old crummy fan and installed a nice hanging light fixture, painted the hallway, painted all door frames and trim (I haven't quite finished this one), organized the girls room (I have three bags of toys and clothes to donate), and fixed up our room (took out some furniture to open the space up...I must say, it looks a lot better!). I'm trying to fix up the backyard, but this one is hard. I've started giving the dogs these little biscuits everyday that is supposed to stop them from killing the grass every time they pee. We had so many little dead circles all over our lawn (that won't look good for a buyer). It seems to be working! But it's hard to keep a lawn looking at it's best with two dogs tromping all over it!

So anyway, I'm doing all these things but I just can't imagine selling this house! The thought breaks my heart! We always knew that someday we were going to move, we can't stay in a three bedroom, two bath forever. But, I didn't think it would be this hard. And the market is so bad right now...I'm just so scared that it won't sell or that it will sit for months and we won't get the money we need from it.

And then there's the bank...when, when, WHEN will we hear something?!

I'm a worrier...that's what I do.


  1. When I read the bottom line, at first I saw "I'm a warrior..." and I thought of the God Warrior.

  2. Hang in there, Kelly! I'm a worrier, too, so I feel you.

  3. It is tough but just go with the flow. We wondered why our home wasn't selling-- and then the lay off hit. When the time is right, everything will fall into place.
