Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Idaho Falls Weekend

We spent last weekend in Idaho Falls for the annual Alan Butler Memorial Crit...one of our favorites! Alan was a close friend who passed away several years ago when he was struck by a taxi on the Vegas strip while walking across the street.
It's great to see his family every year and it's a nice town to spend the weekend. We always enjoy it!

I try very, very hard to get a decent photo of the girls...it never works! Haley never remembers how to smile, and has no idea what "LOOK AT THE CAMERA" means. And then there's Morgan...you never know what you'll get! Just so you know, those are goldfish crackers in her mouth.

The annual group shot after the race which Ryan won! I was bummed because I missed the finish. The girls and I were making our way around the course, but didn't get to the finish line in time. I'm sure it was spectacular! I'm very proud of him!

The next morning was Haley's birthday so we had a little celebration in the hotel room. I brought a few of her presents to open that morning...I'll save the rest for her party on Saturday. She loved it!

Swimming with their daddy.

Right outside our hotel room was the river walk that ended at the falls (Idaho Falls). It was very beautiful and the weather wasn't too hot. We could see the falls in the distance and Ryan and I were pointing, "Look girls, we're getting closer! Can you see the falls?". Morgan was squinting and straining to see it. And then she said, "Let me get out my binoculars!". So the below picture is her looking through her "binoculars".

Here's a picture of me with a man's arm. What's up with that?! My arm looks so mannish!

Very nice weekend...I'm sure we'll back next year!


  1. I find it strange that you think you have "man" arms when your husband has non-manly arms. Actually, I think you guys look great. I can't believe i've not seen any of you in a year. I hope all is well.

  2. I would say that it is clear in the picture that I am "outgunned". Thanks for agreeing, Sandros.
    Still, having some definition is not "manly". I think it's hot.

  3. Thanks babe. However, every time I look at that picture I think of the "Man Hands" episode from Seinfield.

  4. Seems like the girls get their smile from ryan....
