Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ryan is coming home today!

How I've missed my Ryan this week! Glad he's coming home today...hopefully it will be before the girls' bedtime. I really don't want to keep them up any later. Ryan being gone has really started to effect Haley, she gets really upset about it. When she talks to him on the phone she gets all teary...kinda chokes me up to watch it. So, she'll be one excited little girl tonight!

I can't help but think about my neighbor friend...her husband also comes home today. However, he has been deployed in Iraq for the last six months! She has three boys, her newest baby is only 7 months about a lot of work! She is one strong woman and I admire her a lot! Anyway, thinking of you today Autumn! You did it!!!

Also, I want to give a shout out to my fabulous sister-in-law, Beth. She celebrates her birthday today...Happy Birthday!! We'll be seeing her and her family in two months for Thanksgiving...can't wait!


  1. Thanks Kelly! I can't wait! Parents being gone is hard on kids no matter how long it is. Our kids will all be happy tonight to have their Dad's home again. :)

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Kelly! Can't wait to see you and Ryan and my sweet nieces! Then, we can start that competition to see whose kids are louder...
