Monday, September 28, 2009

I want to kill my dogs!!

Okay...I won't really kill my dogs...don't call the police on me or anything.

I'm losing my mind with them, I'm at my limit!!! They have chewed up everything under the sun: several stuffed animals, socks, flip flops, my patio set, towels, blankets, a quilt that my grandma made, plastic dishes, Tupperware, clothes, their bedding, toys, balls, name it, they've chewed it up. Anything in the backyard is up for grabs to them. So we've learned that if we want it...DON'T LEAVE IT OUTSIDE!

This morning while I was getting Haley ready for school, I couldn't find her purple she wore her brown dressy shoes. Whatever...not the first time I couldn't find their shoes...they'll turn up. Well, about an hour later I go to let the dogs out (they sleep in a large dog run we had built). As I'm walking to the kennel I notice Haley's purple shoe in the middle of the grass. I remembered that she took them off last night after we had dinner on the patio. My first thought was "Oh, I'm so glad the dogs were kenneled, or they would have gotten these shoes for sure." Then I look over in the kennel, and see tiny little bits of something I can't even make out what it is. I examine it closer and then see a little purple Velcro strap in the pile of bits and pieces. The dogs had completely disintegrated her shoe! I could have strangled them right then and there!!! How or when they got that shoe and brought into their kennel...I don't know...but I'm so angry with myself that I didn't pick them up right after she took them off last night.

And yes, I'm upset over a sandal...I even cried about it (I"ll blame that on pregnancy hormones). Those were the best shoes I have ever purchased for the kids. First of all they are sturdy pair of Osh Kosh sandals that retail for around 30 dollars. I got them at Ross for $10!! And it's REALLY hard to find what you like at Ross, especially in their size and I was able to find matching pairs for both Haley and Morgan. That is nearly impossible to do!!! They have been through the wash nearly a dozen times and they still look new. Plus, I got them a little on big side so they would last until next Spring. I'm just so upset with myself.

So this afternoon...shoe shopping.

I know this post is all about one sandal...but you need to realize what a chore it is to find good quality shoes at a good price...well, it's hard to do.

And by the way...when I go out this afternoon, I don't want to see any Dora the Explorer shoes...I'm sick and tired of seeing Dora everywhere!!


  1. Oh I can relate. Baxter chews EVERYTHING including the kids shoes, and it drives me crazy! And I can also relate to the shoe shopping and being anti-Dora - I'm with you.

  2. OH am so glad our dog is old now :-) He loved the baby socks when he was a puppy. He loved them so much that he would skillfully pull them off the tinny foot and then we would find the evidence in the yard. I love our dog as an individual but I have told Kevin many times. "I get one year with out a dog for every year we have had one" I am going on 13yrs of no dog. Just that "transition" (Buster passing away) will be hard.
