Friday, October 2, 2009

Wow...'s Friday already! Haven't posted much this week...wish I could say it was because I was so super busy, but thinking back it was a very unproductive week.

We've had a drop in temps this week...Fall has officially arrived, although it feels more like Winter. We went from 80's on Tuesday to low 50's and rain Wednesday! Talk about a cold front!! Snow is covering the surrounding mountains's actually quite beautiful! Since it was so cold Wednesday, I opted not to leave the house in protest to the cold. I decided to bake all day. Made some zucchini bread and lots and lots of cookies! Something about when it's cold out and baking...I just love it...I love having the house be warm and cozy and smell like cookies. So it's been a bit chilly since then, mid 50's or so...brrrrrr! I may have to start baking again!

So my belly needs to decide what it's going to do...if it's gonna grow, then it would be nice to do it quickly. It bumped out a bit, so I'm too big for my normal jeans, but not big enough for any maternity clothes yet. So sweats seem to be my go to outfit everyday. That's great if stayed home all the time, but I'm beginning to feel a bit on the frumpy side when I go out now. I want to wear a sign around my neck, "I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy...that is why I look the way I do...give me a break!" I'm still waiting for my pregnancy "glow"...although it may be a while, I don't think I ever got it in any pregnancy.

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