Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween stores...Beware!

My girls (well, mostly Haley, Morgan just kinda follows along) are soooo excited about Halloween! I try to explain they still have a few weeks to go, but they don't seem to listen...or care. On Saturday the girls and I went to some craft stores, I had a bunch of coupons and thought I might find some good deals. Anyway, next to one craft store is a Halloween store and Haley begged to go inside. Whatever, might as well have a look. We wandered around a bit looking at the decorations and somehow we ended up in the trashy costume section. I couldn't believe some of these costumes!! I mean, yes, I know Halloween is the time that women have the excuse to dress like a tramp...the naughty nurse, devil, school girl...basically every outfit consisted of thigh high tights and a mini skirt, just different colors. Anyway, no big deal... but very quickly things started getting a little too racy. I looked over and saw Haley staring at one costume with her head tilted to the side with the expression of, "What the.....". I quickly made my way to the exit!

Note to self: Steer clear from Halloween stores when you're with children.

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